Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Another day of teaching year 1 .

Teaching year 1 to me is like taking medicine. A medicine that cure my sadness and pain in me. Seeing and watching their innocent faces makes me wants to teach more. They are like my own children. An addition to my only daughter . I pity them. They don''t have anyone to teach them at home. They are from the farmers family. Picking palm fruits and tapping rubbers are the jobs that their family had to do. They are the one who can change the way of their family live. So, it is our job as teacher to help them achieve this. It is my responsibility. There are only 5 year 1 pupils in our school. 1 can read and write the rest of them are having a hard time learning and we teachers here are also having hard time teaching them .
Year 1 is a critical year. From year 1 we have to teach them everything that they would need when to go to year 2. At least they know how to read and write. I'm glad though that I'm able to get them to understand the importance of coming to school. That is the start. The rest are easy. Well.....thats it for today.

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